Tuesday, May 11

Getting off track

Have you ever known exactly how to act, and what to do, but chosen to do the opposite instead, even when you know it may get you into big trouble?  Lately I've been really slacking off.  I've been consumed with doing whatever I want when I want and last night it all blew up in my face.  I wish I could say that I'm perfect all the time, that I never need correction or discipline, but that is not me.  The child in me always wants my way, when I want it, never submitting to what is best for me or what Brandon says.  The temper tantrum that resulted got me put in time out until I could change my attitude.  I realize that Brandon only wanted what was best for me and what I wanted certainly contradicted that.  I was bratty and rude and horrible.  I acted like a child, and so he treated me like a child.  Instead of spending time lovingly with him watching a movie that we both wanted to watch I wasted time and did everything I could to get my way.  I need Brandon's help getting back on track.  I need to learn to ask for help when I need it too.


mouse said...


Not much to add you probably don't already know...but sending you a big oooooooh ya!

We all do it.


turiya said...

I know how you feel. I've been there too... although, you know... you can still blame it on pregnancy hormones. Hehehe...

