Wednesday, February 17

Preparing to move, preparing for baby = EXHAUSTING

I don't even know how to begin this post, I am way to tired.  My body is tired and my brain is tired and all I want to do is relax!  I really hope I can do that tomorrow.  I've been pretty lazy about getting ready for baby and realized how close it is and that I should start to get some stuff done!  So, I've been doing registries and shopping and making lists and lots of other things.  Not only am I doing what should have been spread out over the past two months and continued on from there in regards to baby preparations, my husband and I are moving!  So that is also taking alot of planning and list making and calling people and making sure everything is done on time.  It is all so exciting but so very exhausting in my prego state. 

Procrastination is a weak point for me.  I don't like having alot of time to get things done because then it seems as though time moves slowly, so I foolishly always wait until the last minute.  Unfortunately there are things I should do that I forget about because I don't do them right away and then it is too late.  Such as new mother birthing classes.  I should have started those earlier this month and then they would have gone into March, but no I waited too long and now have no choice but to do the condensed 2 day version, probably without Brandon there because of work.  I also have a few appointments to make that I have put off and have to get done this next week.  On top of that I have two weeks to prep for moving and 2 months to prep for baby.

Oh we found out recently, it is a boy!  I started a scrap book with the ultrasound pictures and really hope to get some professional prego pics done soon, but I don't know where I am going to fit that in.  I also found out that my insurance will not cover circumcision... huge bummer, so I have to figure out how much that will cost me.  Then Brandon needs to decide if it is worth it for us to dish out the money for that or not. 

I know there is more but my mind is all so jumbled up and I can't think... I should go to bed.

Oh yeah, I've been told to expect a punishment for procrastinating on so many things.  I don't know when as our lives are so busy we barely find time to do anything together right now, but I'm sure it won't be pleasent and it will be a big reminder that I have responsibilities that need attending in a timely manner, not whenever the hell I please.

1 comment:

turiya said...

You'll get more and more tired the closer you get. Try to get as much rest as possible (yeah, I know)... you'll need all the energy you can muster for giving birth. I wish you all the best! And congrats on the little boy! We didn't know what we were having until our daughter was born cause they couldn't see it clear enough on the ultrasound. I rather enjoyed the mystery, though. :-D
