Friday, August 20

I'm still here, but...

It's been a while since my last post.  After doing a post almost every day I feel like it has been too long!  I keep trying to write a new post, but there are too many things on my mind that I need to discuss with Brandon first.  Some of these things will stay between us as they are private, but others I will write about afterwards.  Other things are just really hard to put into the right words.  All of this is preventing me from thinking of anything that I can write about.  So, in the mean time, I am going to write a super boring post about just regular things that are happening in my life right now, which isn't much.

1.  Brandon's computer broke, as I mentioned in a past post, and we know it was the power supply so we bought a new one.  Unfortunately it isn't compatible with what we already have, so we decided instead of returning it and trying another one we are going to keep it and just start to build a new computer.  The one he had was about 4 or 5 years old anyway so it needed to be replaced, and we had built that one too (it's so much cheaper that way) so we figured we'd do it again just slowly buying a part or two each month.  However, this means we only have the laptop (or rather his laptop) right now and that means that while I get to use it almost all day while he's at work, he gets to use it at night.  He was compassionate about it though and let me buy a book (The Breaking Dawn, yes I am a twilight fan) to read.  The thing about that though is that I read books in like a day or two... yes, I bought this book yesterday and am more than half way done with it already.  I guess I'll just have to go through the series again after I am done.

2.  I'm pretty sure baby boy is teething.  It isn't super bad, but he is very very drooly, constantly finding things to put in his mouth, and sometimes a little fussier than usual (yes, I check his diaper, I check to see if he's hungry or sleepy, or just wants to be held or burped, but it normally isn't any of those things).

3.  I'm trying to chanel some creative energy into writing some on at least one book idea, but I'm finding it hard not to be OCD about it.  I always want to start from the beginning and develop the story from there, and I can't ever move on unless what I have written is exactly the way I want it... you can see how that might be very hindering in the process of writing.  A concept that was presented to me was to start with what is most detailed in my head, which means for most of them that I start in the middle and work backwards and forwards from there, but I'm having a very hard time doing that because it feels so wrong.

4.  My mom is getting married soon, and she's been asking for my help with planning and such... which is very hard because I'm not very okay with her getting married again so soon after her divorce. 

5.  I saw Inception.  Great movie!  but I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I'm not going to say anything else... I'll write another post about my thoughts on it with a header of "Spoiler Alert" so that no one gets mad at me.

6.  I have to go now because baby boy is very tired, but also crying his butt off and so I'm going to try feeding him so that he'll be more content to go to sleep.


turiya said...

I think it's definitely safe to say baby boy is teething, and it's about the right time for the teething to start.

I used to do the same thing when writing stories. If you want to get past that you're going to have to be strong. Figure out the message you want to express with the story... what is it your main character has to learn about him/herself or the world you've created by the end of the book. Then you develop the beginning (introducing the main character and the issue that your main character as to overcome), middle (the conflict) and end (the resolution). Then just start writing. Don't read what you write... just write until the whole thing is done. THEN you can go back and read it and start making changes.

If you keep doing it the other way, trust me... you'll never get it done.



Alice said...

Thanks for the advice Turiya! I suppose I'll just have to shut off the OCD part of my brain and put the creative part into full gear.


turiya said...

No problem and yeah... the key to finishing something when you're writing is to forget about perfection and just write it. It can be perfected later. As hard as that can be, I figure if I can do it... anyone can. :-D

