Tuesday, August 24


It definitely wasn't my precious baby's fault, but you know how a bunch of things all kinda simmer inside you and then one little thing, possibly totally unrelated to anything else, sends it all boiling over the top? Yeah, that happened this morning.

Our baby boy is teething. He isn't really in a lot of pain, just some discomfort I think. I mean, he isn't crying or fussing a lot instead he's very smiley and happy, but the discomfort is causing some irregularity I think. The past few days he's been waking up at or around 5am… I don't think he's necessarily hungry because for the past month or so he's gotten into a routine of sleeping a decent 7 or 8 hours each night, sometimes even 9 hours, so I think it is due to the discomfort he feels from the teething. I get up and I feed him and he falls back asleep easily enough, and then I go back to bed and fall asleep just as fast. No biggie, I had expected much worse before he was born so I'm grateful he only wakes up once each night (or morning, I say night because I'm still sleeping).

Yesterday was bad though. Not only did he wake up at 5am, and then again at 9am (not bad right?) he then spent the rest of the day being difficult. I would try feeding him but he'd get his hands in the way, either knocking the bottle out of his mouth or getting his hands in his mouth before the bottle. He'd take little 30 minute- 45 minute naps… normally his naps are at least 2 hours, and I'm pretty sure he only took 2 of those little catnaps. I finally got him to go to sleep around 5pm and then he slept until about 9:15pm. Very nice long nap that should have been at noon or 1pm. Anyway, I figured this wouldn't cause a problem because he'd barely slept at all the whole day and I'm sure he was still very tired. I was partly right, he was still very tired, but he started up his whole fussy while smiling thing. Meaning he was very content to be held and played with, but try and feed him the bottle you know he wants and he'd frantically drink while flailing his arms about and knocking the bottle away. It got very frustrating. He ended up staying up past midnight (his bedtime is usually 11pm and he normally goes to sleep right away).

Who dealt with him all day yesterday? Me.
Who stayed up past midnight with him? Me.
Who got up at 5am this morning with him? Me.
Who then got woken up to cook breakfast and fix a lunch at 8:30am? Me.
Who was a grouch? Me.
And who decided it was all totally unfair that all the answers to those questions were the same and then decided to throw a fit about it? ME!
And who was hoping for sympathy because of that fit? Me.

Did I get it? Of course not. Now I see, in a clearer state of mind, that those who throw childish fits do not get coddled or sympathetic hugs. No, they get a stern "change your attitude" and a cold shoulder and are left crying as the person they wanted sympathy from walks out the door to go to work so that that silly girl, yes the one crying like a child on the floor, can buy food to put on the table.

I wasn't quite to that clear state of mind when I called and apologized, even though I really didn't want to. I was only apologizing because I didn't want Brandon to be mad at me, not because I really was sorry for the way I acted.

And to be fair, because that's what this is all about, Brandon did help me with mister cranky pants when he got home from work yesterday.

So to be completely fair, there really isn't anything unfair about it. I just thought it was unfair and thus raged about its unfairness, which in turn ended up with me realizing that my grouchiness and temper tantrum was the only unfair thing about it all.  Brandon should have been saying "It's not fair", not me.

PS  I did truly apologize before I got off the phone with him, it just started out as a fake apology.


strivingforpeace said...


You are spending the entire day with a selfish little being who is a poor communicator and a little tyrant -- who only cares about his own needs and who you can't get away from for one minute

You can't vent your frustration on this little creature -- it's only natural to take it out on your partner.

God made babies adorable so we wouldn't leave them in the woods.

Be patient -- you'll make it through (I promise)

hugs (and ear plugs -- and maybe a shot of scotch)


Alice said...


venting would have been okay, but throwing a tantrum, not okay. I definitely needed to vent, I just went about it the wrong way.

I'll take the shot of scotch and some patience please, then I'll give the ear plugs to Brandon so I can scream at him all I want and he won't hear a thing. :) Yes, its a good plan.

mouse said...


Not to be argumentative, but honestly mouse really thinks you're too hard on yourself. Of course you pitched a fit, any mom would have!

It takes a good year or more for your hormones after having a baby begin to balance you. Add those in with a fussy not really wanting to sleep baby, can make for a very fuzzy mom.

A fuzzy mom has a really short fuse.


Alice said...

Thank you mouse. I still think I could have handled it better. It's nice to hear though that pitching a fit is normal.

I am always harder on myself than anyone else. Brandon was going to get me flowers and chocolate because he felt bad for handling it the way he did.

I asked him just to get me a liter of pepsi instead.


turiya said...

I second sfp and mouse... you're definitely going to be extra hormonal for the next year or so. It took me 2 years after Tornado was born to really settle down from the hormones. Tantrums, unfortunately, are part of that. It's part of the package of having a baby and then having to take care of that baby when all you want to do is rest.

Maybe what you need is some respite. Is there someone you know close by who can take care of him for a day each week? Or maybe put him in daycare for a day. It's actually recommended to parents out here to do that even if they're stay at home moms or dads. Everyone needs a break!

Even if it's just a few hours... that's a few hours that you can spend concentrating on just you... resting and pampering yourself to recharge your batteries. It will make such a HUGE difference.



Florida Dom said...

The women have all given you great advice so there's not that much to add.

I just want to say don't beat up on yourself. Taking care of a baby is exhausting work.

And you do need a break at times. Do you know any other mothers who could exchange time so you all get breaks.