Tuesday, August 24

Warning! Spoiler Alert! My thoughts on Inception

Well, I said this was coming... but no one has any idea why! lol, okay before I get started let me just say that I was a very strange child.  I'm not even going to tell you much, but you'll know, I was strange.  For example, I used to plan my wedding, in which I wanted to wear black, and my funeral where I wanted to wear white and have everything colorful and celebratory.  You might think from this that I was a depressed kid and had very sad views on marriage and death, but no here was my reasoning: wearing black for my wedding was simply an act of rebellion, I wanted to be different and extremely so and the celebratory factor for my funeral was due to the fact that I believe when I die I'll go to heaven and that is such a wonderful thing that I wanted everyone to be celebrating, not crying.  So yeah, I was weird (I still am, but ssshhh, don't tell anyone).

Anyway, Inception was like watching a movie made from my own bizarre thoughts from childhood.  I used to wonder if what I thought was reality was really just a dream.  I reasoned that if it was a dream that I thought was reality then of course I'd be able to feel pain because I thought it was real, so pinching myself wasn't going to work.  Also, I thought it might be a dream within a dream because the dreams I dreamt when I was asleep were to bizarre to be the true reality... if you've seen the movie you know why it was so freaky for me watching it! 

I absolutely loved Inception, despite the freakiness of it being very similar to thoughts from my own childhood.  I wonder if the story was thought up by someone who had similar thoughts when they were a kid and decided it would make for a great story/movie.

Now, my question to you is this:

At the end, was Leonardo Di Caprio's character back in reality, or was it still a dream and he'd been dreaming the whole entire time?

I think it was all a dream, a dream that he never escaped and never will escape because now he thinks it is real.

1 comment:

B'Man said...

I am persuaded it was a dream from beginning to end. A dream, within a dream, within a dream, WITHIN a dream! Good stuff.