Friday, July 23

Life Changes

Well, Brandon and I are discussing/planning a huge life change in the next few weeks.  It is a decision that will have to be made with careful thought and planning and not one that we are at all sure about.  This will affect my side of the family, his side of the family, us financially and the next couple years at least.  The question is : To stay or not to stay? 

That is right, we are seriously discussing the possibility of moving closer Brandon's family.  This will take us states away from where we live now and will definitely be a decision that needs so much careful planning and thought.  We've made the decision already to move, it is just a matter of when.  What we are looking at right now is the possibility of moving in early November which is only about 3 months away!  If we don't move before the holidays we will be waiting till next spring.  Neither of us want to wait, but we are not sure if it is wise to move so soon!

So, lots of things to consider right now and it is making my head explode a little bit.


turiya said...

Oh wow... well good luck with whatever you choose to do. Moving state is a big thing, especially with an infant... I hope it goes well for you guys.



B'Man said...

Wishing you good luck and wisdom as you engage this big decision. Something tells me it's all gonna work out fine.

Alice said...

Turiya, yes, I have moved across states before, but that was without a baby. I'm not sure how much longer having a baby is going to make the move and whether we should wait till his a bit older or not.

BabyMan, thank you. I know that either way it will work out fine, but that doesn't keep me from stressing out.

turiya said...

Actually if you're definitely planning the move your best bet is to do it while he's still an infant or wait until he's mostly independent (like school age). You definitely don't want to do it during the toddler/preschool years... moving with an infant is hard simply because you have to stop for feedings and changings and stuff. With a toddler it's a nightmare because they get all out of sorts and want to get into everything.

But then when they're school age you have the issue of pulling them away from friends they've made and putting them in an unfamiliar school, which isn't so bad, but definitely more traumatic than moving as an infant.

Okay... I'm not being helpful here, but I will say that we moved with Tornado when she was 5 months old and that went a lot more smoothly than the time we moved when she was 2 years old. Neither was really easy, but it was horrid when she was a toddler.

